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5MAY99 GIANT TARPON MAKE GRANDE APPEARANCETheirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr here. Yep since we started fishing Giant Tarpon back in the 3rd week of April, the fish have been providing my clients with those life-long sugar coated memories.
The good news is the passes; shoals, beaches, and flats are all holding fish from Boca Grande south. The bad news is the wind has been blowing unseasonably strong since the weekend and making fishing difficult, if at all.
In the passes the fish have been taking
live shrimp and Cotee jigs. Live sardines and threads are getting the nod for live bait on
the shoals, backcountry, beach and in particular cases
in the passes.
We dont have a lot of fish traveling yet. The places where the fish are at this time are stacked like cordwood. When the weather permits we are jumping between 6 and 12 fish a day. In the past week we have boated fish between 60 and 170lbs. Too early??? We dont think so.
We are still able to accommodate late bookings for a fishing trip of a lifetime, give us a call toll free @ 1 (800) 833-0489.
Screaming drags arms tired arms!!!
Robert McCue
Past reports
8FEBB99 17FEB99 22FEB99 1MAR99 15MAR99 4APR99Send E-Mail
1 (800) 833-0489
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