Florida fishing guide and charters on the saltwater flats and backcountry of Tampa Bay St. Petersburg Clearwater Tarpon Springs Orlando Disney Disneyworld Homossasa. Light tackle and flyfishing for tarpon snook redfish trout cobia and 20 other species of fish

Florida fishing guide and charters on the saltwater flats and backcountry of Tampa Bay St. Petersburg Clearwater Tarpon Springs Orlando Disney Disneyworld Homossasa. Light tackle and flyfishing for tarpon snook redfish trout cobia and 20 other species of fish

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Florida fishing charters
Florida fishing charters
Florida fishing charters
Florida fishing charters
Florida fishing charters
Florida fishing charters
Florida fishing charters

Westerly Winds Dominate Weather Pattern


Ever notice how fisherman can explain every reason why the fish bite or don’t bite? Fishermen are ichthyologists, meteorologist, biographers, psychologists, philosophers, mythomaniacs, lecturers, and emcees, all in one package. Combine these highly trained professions with a captain’s license and the words become law (did I forget legislator?).

Being that I am now qualified, I can state with confidence…

    1. The water is hot, and so is the air
    2. Fishing is generally slow during periods of constant and consistent winds from the same direction over a period of more than a few days (indications of a steady high or low pressure)
    3. Spawning and migration movements are generally slowed down in August
    4. The Pope is Catholic, and the Dalai Lama is not
    5. The last total eclipse of the millenium occurred on 10AUG99
    6. The storms have been occurring throughout the day on Florida’s West Coast, and it's partly occluded in Newfoundland
    7. The earth is round and what goes up, must come down
    8. A vessel displaying a black ball in its masts, is declaring itself at anchor
    9. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492
    10. George Washington is buried in Grant’s tomb

      passsnook.JPG (11910 bytes)So what does this all mean? Fishing has been off the last week.

Working the flats will produce a few snook, redfish, trout, cobia, and jacks. When the wind is not blowing above 10 mph, tarpon can be sight casted along the troughs, channels, and hard bottom areas in Tampa Bay. When sight casting is not possible, dead bait fishing with fresh menhaden will work in areas that you know are holding poons. Bring a baseball bat for the catfish. Pompano are in the passes and are cruising the immediate beaches adjacent to the passes. Be persistent and have a game plan.

The west and southwest winds are not uncommon for this time of year. Though, we are getting them a bit more than in the last 10 years, get used to it. Meteorologists’ say that the pattern we are in the past two years is very similar to a weather pattern in the late 1800’s. And could continue for the next 30 years. Oh yea, the sun rises in the East, and sets in the West.

Best Bets: tarpon and pompano

"You don’t know, unless you go!!!"

Robert McCue

Past Reports

8FEBB99  17FEB99     22FEB99  1MAR99  15MAR99 4APR99 19APR99   5MAY99     24JUN99  11JUL99    21JUL99 3AUG99


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Last Update 11AUG99
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